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Tn;a fï krl mqreoao lrkjd o@''tfia kï Tng;a wlaIs ms<sld wjOdkula’’

wjqreÿ 40la jhie;s mqoa.,fhl=g wlaIs ms<sldjla je<ÿkd’’fndfyda úoHd;aul mßlaIKj, m%;sM,j,g wkqj cx.u ÿrlOkfha fld< t<sh wfma Yßrhg wys;lr njhs oelafjkafka’’wms Ⱦ> ld,hla wÿre wdf,dal ;;a;ajhla ;=< cx.u ÿrl:k Ndú; lrk úg bf,lafgd%ak loin wfma weig fl,skau t,a, jkjd’’

th Tfí weig ms<sld yd wkaONdjh we;s úug mjd fya;= jkakg mq¨jka’’fuu 40 jhie;s mqoa.,hd iEu Èklu rd;%sfha cx.u ÿrl:kh Ndú; lr ;sfnkjd’’Tyq ksod.kak l,ka wÿf¾ úkdä 30la muK iEu osklu cx.u ÿrl:kh Ndú; lr ;sfnkjd’ta ksid Tyqg wlaIs ms<sld ,laIK we;sú ;sfnkjd’ta jf.au wefia ly ,mh úkdY ú ;sfnkjd’’

ta ksid Tn rd;s%fha tkï ksod.eksug fmr cx.u ÿrl:k Ndú; lrkak tmd’’fï .ek Thdf.a yeu hd¨fjlau yd mjqf,a idudðlhka oekqj;a lsßug wu;l lrkak tmd’’

translate by - Sanduni Sampath
Source - healthyfoodhelp

hd`tjkag;a n,kak fIhd¾ lrkak
wmf.a mqj;a yd ,sms tieKska oek.kak
wmf.a ks, f*ianqla msgqj ,hsla lrkak
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