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wfma rfÜ fld,af,la yomq frdlÜ tl
,xldfõ ku ;enQ rdclSh isiqjd

wdishd Ydka;slr l,dmSh wNHjldY ixi|h jd¾Islj mj;ajkq c, frdlÜ ;r.dj,sfhka fojeks ia:dkh Èkd .ekSug fld<U rdclSh úoHd,fha 10 jeks fYa‚fha hqfk;a pka§¾ úfÊkdhl isiqjd iu;a úh' uq,a;ek bkaÿkSishdjg ysñúh'

Tyq fuu ch.%yKh ,nd.;af;a fkamd,h" mdlsia;dkh" bkaÈhdj" ´iafÜ%,shdj" Ökh" cmdkh we;=¿ wdishd Ydka;slr l,dmSh rgj, yegla muK ;r.lrejka mrdchg m;alrñks' fuu ;r.dj,sh bkaÿkSishdfõ nd,s k.rfha§ meje;aú‚'

"uq,skau fuh wka;¾ mdi,a w;r ;r.dj,shla f,i wd;¾ iS' la,dla uOHia:dkh úiska ixúOdkh leߌ' ta fjkqfjka uf.a mdi, ksfhdackh lsÍug ug wjia:dj WodjqKd' tys§ ug Y%S ,xldj ksfhdackh lrk 6 fokd w;rg meñŒug yelshdj ,enqKd'"

"c, frdlÜgqjla lshkafka kj ks¾udKhla fkfjhs' th rgj,a .Kkdjl mj;ajkq ,nk ;r.dj,shla' fuu ;r.dj,sh ;ju;a wfma rfÜ m%p,s; fj,d kE' fuh we;a; frdlÜgqjl wkqrejla' th C%shd lrkafka c,h iy jdhq mSvkh Ndú;fhka' fï ;r.fha§ isoaOfjkafka óg¾ 80 l we;s b,alalhla fj; frdlaÜgqj fhduq lsÍuhs' tys§ c, mßudj" jdhq mSvkh yßhg uekf.k tajd fjkia lrñka wod, b,a,lh fj; fhduq l< hq;=fjkjd'"

"fujeks ;r.dj,shlska rgg;a mdi,g;a lS¾;shla ,nd§ug yelsùu .ek ud b;du;a i;=gq fjkjd' ta jf.au wd;¾ iS' la,dla wdh;khg;a" bkaÈl ueof.dv uy;dg;a fuu ;r.dj,shg ud mqyqKq l< c.;a iQßhwdrÉÑ uy;dg;a ud wjxl ia;+;sh mqolrkjd"

hd`tjkag;a n,kak fIhd¾ lrkak
wmf.a mqj;a yd ,sms tieKska oek.kak
wmf.a ks, f*ianqla msgqj ,hsla lrkak
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