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jD;a;Sh iñ;s iu. idlÉPdfjka miq w.ue;sf.ka m%ldYhla
jeäl< oioyfika 2000 la ckjdßfha isg jegqmg
jdyk wdodhï n,m;% .dia;=j;a niaihs

rcfha fiajlhkag miq.sh whjefhka jeäl< remsh,a oi oyil §ukdfjka remsh,a fooyila ckjdß udifha isg uQ,sl jegqmg tlalsÍug lghq;= lrk nj w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d Bfha ^14 od& md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lf<ah'

b;sß remsh,a wgoyio wÈhfrka wÈhr uQ,sl jegqmg tla lrk nj lS w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d rcfha fiajl jegqma úIu;dj ms<sn| .eUqßka úuid ne,Su i|yd cd;sl jegqma fldñiu h<s ia:dms; lr udi yhlska jd¾;djla le|jk njo lSfõh'

j¾ckhla i|yd iQodkï jQ jD;a;Sh iñ;s iu. idlÉPd lsÍfuka wk;=rej md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ úfYaI m%ldYhla l< w.ue;sjrhd jdyk i|yd jeäl< wdodhï n,m;% .dia;=j ishhg 25 isg ishhg 15 olajd wvqlrk njo lSh' ÿï mÍlAIK i|yd remsh,a 1500 l wka;¾ld,Sk .dia;=jla kshu lr njo lS w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d l,anÿ i|yd jdykhlg whlrk ;lafiare .dia;=j remsh,a 5000 olajd;a" ;%sfrdao r: iy h;=remeÈ i|yd ;laafiare .dia;=j remsh,a 3000 olajd;a my; fy<k nj lSh'

nexl= .sKqfuka remsh,a ,laI oyhlg jvd jeä uqo,la .ekSfï§ ishhg foll noaola whlsÍug .;a ;SrKh iïnkaOj uy nexl=fjka jd¾;djla le|jd th ixfYdaOkhg ,la lsÍugo wdKavqj iQodkï nj w.ue;sjrhd lSfõh'

w.%ydr rlaIKhg wod< m%;s,dN m%udKh jeälr úY%dñlhskg w.%Ndr m%;s,dN ysñlï ,nd§ug mshjr .kak nj;a ,nk ckjdßfha isg úY%du .kakd ish,a,kag w.%Ndr rlaIK m%;s,dN ysñlï ,nd fok nj;a lS w.ue;sjrhd uEkamj¾ fiajlhka iaÓr lr ke;af;a fg,sfldï wdh;kh muKla ksid úÿ,s ixfoaY weue;s yd fg,sfldï iNdm;s fï ms<sn| fidhd n,ñka isák njo m%ldY lf<ah'

hd`tjkag;a n,kak fIhd¾ lrkak
wmf.a mqj;a yd ,sms tieKska oek.kak
wmf.a ks, f*ianqla msgqj ,hsla lrkak
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