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oreKq p¾u frda.hla ,xldj mqrd me;sfrhs

iqj lsÍug wmyiq b;d oreKq .Kfha ,SiaukhsiSia kue;s ifï frda.hla ,xldj mqrd me;sr hñka mj;sk nj fi!LH wxY mjihs'

fmardfo‚h úYajúoHd,fha ffjoH mSGfha uydpd¾h tia'ta'tï' l=,r;ak uy;d i|yka lf<a" fuu frda.h furg kef.kysr uqyqÿ m%foaY wdY%s;j olakg ,enqK;a rfÜ uOH m%foaYj, olakg fkd,enqKq nj h'

fuu ifï frda.h bkaÈhdfõ nyq,j oelsh yels nj;a" uE; ld,fha§ Y%S ,xldfõ me;sfrk nj;a uydpd¾hjrhd mjid isáfhah'

fuu frda.h tla;rd lDñ úfYaIhlska fndajk nj;a ifï u;=msg l=IaGhla f,i we;s jk w;r th iqj lsÍu ;rula l,a .; jk nj uydpd¾hjrhd jeäÿrg;a mejiS h'

th p¾u frda.hla jqjo YÍr wNHka;r bkao%sh j,g mjd iuyr wjia:dj,§ n,mEï lsÍug iu;a frda.hls'

fuys frda. ,laIK jYfhka YÍrfha iqj fkdjk ;=jd," r;= meye;s .eá;s hkdÈh we;sjqjfyd;a jydu <Õu isák p¾u frda. ms<sn| ffjoHjrhl=g fmkajd m%;sldr .ekSu l< hq;=h'

fï lreKq Thdf.a f*ianqla hy¨jka w;r fIhd¾ lsßug wu;l lrkak tmd'

hd`tjkag;a n,kak fIhd¾ lrkak
wmf.a mqj;a yd ,sms tieKska oek.kak
wmf.a ks, f*ianqla msgqj ,hsla lrkak
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