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Èh.u l%Svdx.Kfhka ,efnk uqo,a uyskaof.a mokug

fydaud.u" Èh.u uyskao rdcmlaI C%Svdx.Kh C%Svd lghq;= i|yd ,nd§fï§ ta i|yd whlr.kakd uqo,a uyskao rdcmlaI C%Svd ixj¾Ok moku hkqfjka hq;= .sKqulg nerù we;s nj jd¾;d fõ'

C%Svdx.Kh bÈlr we;af;a Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj i;= bvul jk w;r" rdcH uqo,a fhdojd C%Svdx.Kh bÈlsÍfuka miq tys mßmd,kh yd kv;a;= lghq;= Y%S ,xld hqo yuqodjg ndr § we;' tfy;a C%Svdx.Kh C%Svd lghq;= i|yd ,nd§fï§ ,efnk uqo,a Y%S ,xld hqo yuqodjg fyda rcfha fjk;a wdh;khlg ner ù ke;'

fï iïnkaOfhka rdjh mqj;am; hqo yuqod m%ldYl ì%f.aäh¾ chkd;a chùrf.ka lrk ,o úuiSul§ Tyq m%ldY lf<a hqo yuqodj úiska Èh.u uyskao rdcmlaI C%Svdx.Kfha md,kh yd kv;a;= lghq;= isÿl< nj;a" Bg ,efnk wdodhï hqo yuqodjg wh;a .sKqulg fkd,enqKq nj;ah' C%Svd ixj¾Ok moku hkqfjka hq;= .sKqulg wod< uqo,a nerù we;s nj;a" wo< C%Svdx.Kh Ndr wKfok ks,Odßhd iy ;j;a ks,Odßhl= tu lghq;= i|yd m;alr isá nj;ah' tu mokfï .KldêldÍjrhd jYfhka lghq;= lf<a isú,a mqoa.,hl= nj;ah'

fï iïnkaOfhka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a udOH f,alï frdydka je,súg uy;df.ka lrk ,o úuiSul§ Tyq mejiqfõ uyskao rdcmlaI C%Svd ixj¾Ok mokula .ek lsisjla fkdokakd njh' ta .ek fidhdn,d ms<s;=rla ,ndfok f,i b,a,Sula lrñka kej; meh lsysmhlska je,súg uy;d weu;=jo Tyqf.a ms<s;=r jQfha ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdj;a" Tyqf.a fm!oa.,sl f,alï YISkaø rdcmlaIj;a tu lreKq úuish yels fjk;a wfhl=j;a ÿrl:khg iïnkaO lr.ekSug fkdyels jQ ksid Bg jvd ms<s;=rla ,ndÈh fkdyels njh'

È.hu uyskao rdcmlaI C%Svdx.kh Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:djg wh;a bvula neúka ta iïnkaOfhka C%Svd wud;HxYfhka l< úuiSul§ Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfõ iNdm;sjrhdg ,eî we;s ms<s;=r ù we;af;a wod< C%Svdx.Kh C%Svd wud;HxYh hgf;a mßmd,k lghq;= isÿlrkakla fkdjk njhs'

tfukau Y%S ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj bvï iïnkaOfhka tys iNdm;s kS;s{ kkao uqre;af;Ügqfõ.u uy;d úiska le|jk ,o jd¾;djlska ;jÿrg;a fy<s ù we;af;a rdcmlaI mjqr kñka m¾pia 10 ne.ska fldgia 404lg l=Üálr iSÿfõ we;s bvula fnod§ we;s njhs' tfukau ùrleáfha yd wfòfj, bvï fhdjqka fiakdxlhg ,nd§ we;s njhs'

Author - Lasantha Ruhunage

hd`tjkag;a n,kak fIhd¾ lrkak
wmf.a mqj;a yd ,sms tieKska oek.kak
wmf.a ks, f*ianqla msgqj ,hsla lrkak
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